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Monday, April 11, 2011

In the Moment Mondays...do you know your neighbours?!

This weekend, the weather was beautiful!  So I took advantage of the great weather and checked out my neighbourhood.  I went to a couple of local businesses and visited two garage sales.  And as I went around, I met my neighbours.

We moved in to this neighbourhood about 10 months ago.  I was 8 months pregnant at the time and with the rush of moving in, we only got to meet the neighbours on our block.

Now, not only did I meet 3 sets of neighbours.  These are the things I discovered...

1. One of my neighbours plays a mean guitar and serenaded me with "Country Roads".
2. You can't see into our back yard from a house up the hill.
3. I need to always check out the garage sale of another neighbour, as they own a party supply company and get rid of some cool stuff!
4. Another neighbour uses only organic sprays on his orchard, so no need to keep the little one indoors when they are spraying.
5. I was invited to join the neighbourhood Diva's!

Well worth the exploration...don't you think?!  I'm really digging this neighbourhood!

1 comment:

  1. Nice! Sounds like a great neighbourhood. Yes, I know my neighbours. Took me longer than you to get to know them, though! And really, I don't care to hang out with any of them. But we have a nice park across the street!


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