Being the mother of one boy, I’m not sure if it is “normal”
to be faced with the challenge of your child hitting another. But that is what we are going through right now. Not only is it devastating that your child is
hurting another, but it is also very embarrassing!
So how do you deal with hitting? (Thank you to the Okanagan College Early
Childhood Education students for providing
some of the following information at a Parent Talk session about hitting held at The Bridges
Family Services.
Try the 1-2-3 rule.
- Stop
- Talk
- Re-Model
Stop Rule #1:
When the child hits, STOP what you are doing and get down to
the child and:
STOP the child from hitting again
STOP yourself from reacting negatively and calm
yourself down before you talk to the child
Talk Rule #2:
TALK in a calm but firm voice and tell the child
it’s not okay to hit.
TALK to the child who has been hurt and make
sure they are okay.
TALK to your child and give them words to use to
express themselves (they often will lash out when they don’t have the words to
use to say things like “please give me that” or “will you play with me”.
Re-Model Rule #3:
MODEL the behaviour you would like to see, and
give them options to do instead. Ie “Hands
are not for hitting, hands are for...hugging gently, or petting the dog, or
wiping the table.”
Continue to MODEL good behaviours over and over.
(ie...don’t hit the child for hitting)
Some additional recommended reading to help deal with hitting...
”Hands are not for Hitting” by Martine Agassi
“No Fighting, No Biting” by Else Holmelund Minarik
“When I Feel Angry” by Cornelia Maude Spelman
I really hope these tips can help you! and me! And if you have any other suggestions or
books you have read, please let me know!
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