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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Walking Down Memory Lane

We had dinner with some friends on the weekend. And we started talking about a trip we took over 12 years ago together.  As we were walking down memory lane, several things occurred to me. 

First, I have a really bad memory!  My girlfriend was amazing, reminding me of the great time that we had on this trip during our misspent youth...especially the adventures that we encountered. She even had a photo album of the trip. Our big adventure on this trip was that we had been running late on our last day of our trip (don't you usually sleep in when you are a little hung over?! remember this was our misspent youth!).  So we were already a little bit delayed heading to the airport.  And then our taxi got a flat tire on the way there!!  I remembered that there wasn't the sense of urgency from our cab driver that we expected. And it took us a little bit to come to terms with that.  I guess people are a little more laid back in Mexico. But all in all, it worked out!  And we arrived home safe and sound.

Second, that I actually look better now than I did back then (now that's a switch isn't it).  I have lost weight, and was in better shape.  At least I think I am, and I'm still not anywhere where I would like to be, I'm still trying to get rid of some of that baby weight I'm carrying around.  But I'm working on it!

Third, I hadn't forgotten everything!  While I had a tough time with some of the specifics, I still had some very wonderful memories of this trip.  And I wasn't the only one!  Here was someone else who shared these lovely memories.  Someone else that I don't see often enough.  Someone else's life who I had touched in someway, as they had touched mine.

It made me realize that every day we may do something or say something that will affect people that you interact with.  That my life has more meaning in this world than I thought.  And that the really important goals in life should not be the high powered career, the big money, and all the stuff. But rather how you touch people, how they remember you, and how you have impacted their lives.

Thanks my friend for the great dinner and the wonderful walk down memory lane...

Today's blog is featured on Okanagan4Kids.

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